Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Opening....

The idea of blogging is something that has taken me some time to embrace. I see it as being akin to keeping a journal or diary. And that, like exercise, requires dedication and commitment. We shall see how I will do at this, over the long run. I have no expectation that my voice will sound louder than another voice; mine is but one of a multitude.

I intend to use this blog to present topics and discussions which are important to me and to present information which may be useful to others.... In some cases, I will most likely, say something which will put off others. But, keep in mind that this are my views, my experiences, my thoughts and not someone else's. We are all different and our differences are brought about by our own life's experiences. So, that is it.....

And in case you are wondering, the blog is named for Peeno, our diabetic cat.

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