Friday, May 18, 2012

A Way of Living

Religion will play a role in the upcoming presidential campaigns. On one side is the incumbent who will use his religion as a ploy to garner votes. On the other side is a man who lives by and for his religion.

A question we should ask ourselves is 'what is Religion?'

For some it is a deep immersion into a belief and a faith. For others it is something to avoid. We all have our intricate reasons for selecting our own path.

The real reason for Religion is to provide people with a set of rules. If the rules are followed, a society becomes stable; it grows and prospers. The Ten Commandments, for instance, are a common sense set of rules. They keep a society from decaying into chaos.

These societal rules are simple....
- Care for others and treat them with respect.
- Be humane in your treatment of other creatures.
- Protect those who are weaker.
- Help those who need help.
- Earn your way in life and others will respect you and reward you.

I call it the religion of 'being a human being'.
Embrace it. Live it. And we will all be better for it.