Suddenly the air about you is filled with a fine mist. The small brown droplets begin to stain your skin. The smell is acrid.
You try to cover your mouth and nose. Each inhale pulls drops into your lungs. You can feel them in your throat. Your lungs start to burn. You try to take shallow breaths but you cough some and then begin to gasp for more air. Each breath brings still more drops into your lungs. Breathing becomes more and more difficult.... your gasps for air become more prolonged. Breathing becomes agonizing.
The end of your life is agonizingly painful! Your skin burns, your lungs sear. In your last moments, you see the bodies of your friends and neighbors around you - each succumbing to the same fate. About this scene is the lingering brown mist.
Any living creature that encounters this mist faces the same horribly agonizing death.
As the mist moves along, it leaves the bodies of the dead - 100s, 1000s, 10,000s, 100,000s, .........
This is a chemical agent attack! AND it is currently happening in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico!