Wednesday, June 24, 2009

State Furloughs

The economy sucks!
By now we all now this; the nightly news' employment and layoff statistics verify this.
People are getting laid off, businesses are closing and people are taking salary cuts everywhere!

Here in Hawaii, the Governor has decided that, to alleviate the budget shortfall, all state workers should take a weekly furlough. One day a week, off without pay. The alternative would be to reduce the number of state employees.

Well as usual, the union is not happy with either choice. AND, of course, they have no alternate plan. Their only plan is to take the state to court!

What yanked my chain today was this:
Search for 'thousands of cards'.....

The union is launching a campaign. They want state workers to distribute cards to places where they do business.

By doing this, they are saying that they have more value than anyone else and therefore must keep their income untouched, no matter what happens to everyone else! What a selfish elitist attitude!

HGEA, you suck!