I am now counting myself as a member of the uncounted community.... those that are not really unemployed but can no longer count on a steady paycheck. The US unemployment rate is at 10%. Some analysts say that if you count my group then the unemployment is nearer to 19%. This is a shocking statistic. Even more so when you are the 1 in 5 that is not earning a steady salary.
Do the people that embraced the Obama euphoria ever sit and reflect on what they have wrought?
We are now a year into his presidency and so far, his accomplishments are minimal. Sure there has been a lot of hand-shaking but really not a lot of actual accomplishments.
- More than a trillion dollars went into the first stimulus - it really was nothing more than the democratic party paying the debts they owed for years and years of promises.... it was not intended to address the economic issues.
- Then came the second trillion dollar stimulus which propped up the failing car industry - an industry made up of poor leadership and bad decisions.
- Now it is time to spend another trillion dollars on a healthcare reform bill. This is a bill which, similar to the tax code, no one can understand. The question still lingers.... why not just enroll everyone into Medicare? Medicare does work and the infrastructure for it is already in place.
BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, THE DEMOCRATS WILL HAVE SPENT MORE THAN 3 TRILLION DOLLARS! AND still I don't see a steady paycheck in my near future.
And what about those campaign promises?
Infrastructure: As the president acknowledged during the presidential campaign, our electrical, water, sewage, road and transportation infrastructure is failing nationwide. Initially, he said that creating jobs to repair and upgrade would get people back to work and boost our economy. Of all the statements and promises, this one makes sense. But, sadly, it is not being pushed forward.
Afghanistan: troops are dying daily; yet there is no decision on what to do - stay in, pull out???? Petraeus speaks and the politicians ignore him.
Iran, North Korea, Trade - again, no decisions, no action!
And, no one is complaining! No one is talking about this! If this was Bush administration (I backed his first term, but not his second), it would be editorial fodder.
As an example of more ineptitude;
Here in Hawaii, the unemployment fund is running short of funds. Yes, we are a 'Blue' state and as such, the solution being proposed is to increase the employers unemployment tax from about $1200 per employee per year to more than $12,000 per employee per year. What an absolutely absurd idea!
And for an idea which is even more ludicrous, I give you this one. A financial group in the UK has come up with the novel idea of adding a transaction tax to all financial transactions. It seems that the cause of the global economic meltdown may have been caused by frivolous financial transactions, so by taxing these, it may serve as a deterrent in the future. So, in addition to taxing my earnings, taxing my purchases, and taxing me for having employees, they now want to tax my financial deposits and withdrawals!!!!???